The "Delphin" Programme
The big bunker book: The "Delphin" Programme
Nuclear bunkers and the Cold War

A first opinion:
"Hello friends,
Historians, bunker and militaria experts - the fog is clearing: the long awaited book on the "Delphin" programme is finally here: 896 pages, packed with information and priced at 39.80 euros, but a limited edition in view of the high printing and other up-front expenses for the publishers. This is clearly not a tome which can be repeatedly reprinted, but rather a comprehensive work for the specialist with background information on a wide range of well-known and lesser known bunkers.!"





   • The 5000 complex

   • East Germany military bunkers

         Underground factories

         Communications and missiles

         Ground forces

         Airforce and air defence Naval

   • Facilities of the Council of


        Central Committee and 

        regional party bunkers

        Stasi, ministry of the interior,

        post and telecommunications 

   • Soviet forces in Germany

   • Bunkers in the West

   • Documents, plans, photos,


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 Aus aktuellem Anlaß:

U-Boot-Bunker auf der Krim.


c. by rebnik.

    • A few figures:
      At a quick count the 896 pages include:

         • some 425 photos in colour
  •    • some 128 diagrams and scanned documents
  •    • some 336 photos in b/w, including several published
          here for the first time.

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Summary of a review published in "Neues Deutschland online",
21 March, 2007
"Programm Delphin" by Paul Bergner, ISBN 3-930588-78-1. Price 39.80 euros.
The man is mad:
He crawls through pitch-black holes in concrete constructions to discover the why's, when's, how's, etc. of
these relics from the cold war. Paul Bergner, well known in the German bunker scene, has written what
might be termed the "Bunker Bible", a comprehensive description of the bunkers in the former East Germany
which would have served the Soviet military forces stationed there, the East German armed forces, the Stasi, the interior ministry, etc., etc. - a never ending list! The book also includes details of the military doctrines as
formulated by the Warsaw Pact under Moscow's guiding hand, the infrastructure for the provision, storage
and removal of nuclear weapons, including Moscow's readiness to release a number of warheads to the East German army for their missile brigades. A balance is provided by a chapter with details of major bunkers in
the West.


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Autor's comments:

"The book is the result of some 8 months' intensive
research in archives and hundreds of conversations
with the people involved, together with information
from bunker trips over the last six years. Weighing in
at 1.5 kg, the book can be clearly used for a wide
range of purposes."


Price: 39.80 Euro

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Anemonenweg 8
16348 Wandlitz OT Basdorf

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